Specifying print format parameters
Using LCDS Print Description Language 4-61
Default NONE
Specifies what the result will be when objects that are imaged
with different inks overlap.
Default The ink priority that was chosen at installation.
parameter: points
to note
• For monochrome printers such as the DP EPS, the COLOR
and BLACK parameters produce identical results (black).
• The color that results from overlapping objects may be only
black or a color for an entire page. For example, a page
cannot have red text printed over a black background and
also black text printed over a red background.
• The IRESULT can be specified on a page basis with the
IRESULT DJDE. If more than one IRESULT is specified on a
page, the last instance takes precedence.
BOTH Specifies page inversion on front and back sides.
NONE Turns page inversion off.
Table 4-60. OUTPUT INVERT parameter options and
definitions (Continued)
Option Definition
Table 4-61. OUTPUT IRESULT parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
BLACK Specifies that, when two objects that are imaged with different inks overlap, and
black and colored pixels coincide, the resulting pixel is black.
COLOR Specifies that, when two objects that are imaged with different inks overlap, and
black and colored pixels coincide, the resulting pixel is colored.