Printer Diagnostics
11342L Re v. 8 6/4/2004 105SL User Guide 87
PAUSE Self Test
This self test can be used to provide the test labels required when making adjustments to the
printer’s mechanical assemblies. See the sample printout below.
To perform a PAUSE self test, complete these steps:
1. Turn Off (O) the printe r.
2. Press and hold PAUSE whil e turning the power On ( I). Hold PAUSE until the DATA light
turns off.
• The initial self test prints 15 labels a t 2.4 in. (61 mm) per second (1 in. or 25.4 mm per
second for the 96XiIIIPlus), then automatically pauses the printer. When PAUSE is
pressed, an additional 15 labels print. Figure 47 shows a sample of the labels.
Figure 47 • PAUSE Test Label
• While the printer is paused, pressing CANCEL alters the self test. When PAUSE is
pressed, 15 labels print at 6 in. or 152 mm per second (4 in. or 102 mm per second
for the 96XiIIIPlus).
• While the p rinter is paused, pressing CANCEL again a lters the self test a second time.
When PAUSE is pressed, 50 labels print at 2.4 in. (61 mm per second). For the
96XiIIIPlus, printing occurs at 1 in. (25.4 mm) per seco nd.
• While the printer is paused, pressing CANCEL again alters the self test a third time.
When PAUSE is pressed, 50 labels print at 6 in. (1 52 mm) per second. For the
96XiIIIPlus, printing occurs at 4 in.
(102 mm) per second.
• While the p rint er is pa used, p ressing CANCEL agai n alte rs the self te st a fourt h time.
When PAUSE is pressed, 15 labels print at the printer’s maximum speed.
• To exit this self test at any time, press and hold CANCEL.