Document Conventions
11342L Re v. 8 6/4/2004 105SL User Guide xix
Document Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this document to convey certain information:
Alternate Color (online only) Cross-references contain hot links to other sections in this
guide. If you are viewing this guide onli ne in
.pdf format, you can click the cross-reference
blue text) to jump directly to its location.
Command Line Examples All command line examples appear in Courier New font.
For example, you would type the fo llowing to get to the Post-Install scripts in the
Files and Directories All file names and directories appear in Courier New font. For
example, the
Zebra<version number>.tar file and the /root directory.
Cautions, Important, Note, and Example
Electrostatic Discharge Caution • Warns you of the potential for electrostatic discharge.
Electric Shock Caution • Warns you of a potential electric shock situation.
Caution • Warns you of a situation where excessive heat could cause a burn.
Caution • Advises you that failure to take or avoid a specific action could result in physical
harm to you.
Caution • Advises you that failure to take or avoid a specific action could result in physical
harm to the hard wa re .
Important • Advi ses you of information that is essential to co mp lete a task.
Note • Indicates neutral or positive information that emphasizes or supplements important
points of the main text.
Example • Provides an example, often a scenario, to better clarify a section of text.
Tools • Tells you what tools you need to complete a given task.