Chapter 15 xDSL Line Data
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
15.3 xDSL Line Data Screen
This screen displays an ADSL port’s line bit allocation.
Line Type “Fast” stands for non-interleaved (fast mode) and “Interleaved” stands for
interleaved mode.
Init This field displays the number of link-ups and link-downs.
ATUC/ATUR ES The Number of Errored Seconds transmitted (downstream) or received
(upstream) on this ADSL port.
The Number of Severely Errored Seconds transmitted (downstream) or
received (upstream) on this ADSL port. Severely errored seconds contained
30% or more errored blocks or at least one defect. This is a subset of the Down/
Up Stream ES.
The downstream or upstream number of UnAvailable Seconds.
Fast FEBE In fast mode, the number of Far End Block Errors (Far End Cyclic Redundancy
Fast NEBE In fast mode, the number of Near End Block Errors (Near End Cyclic
Redundancy Checks).
Fast FEFEC In fast mode, the Far End number of ADSL frames repaired by Forward Error
Fast NEFEC In fast mode, the Near End number of ADSL frames repaired by Forward Error
In interleaved mode, the number of Far End Block Errors (Far End Cyclic
Redundancy Checks).
In interleaved mode, the number of Near End Block Errors (Near End Cyclic
Redundancy Checks).
In interleaved mode, the Far End number of ADSL frames repaired by Forward
Error Correction.
In interleaved mode, the Near End number of ADSL frames repaired by Forward
Error Correction.
LPR This is the number of times that the subscriber’s ADSL device has experienced
a Loss of Power (been off).
15 min, 1day history This section of the screen displays line performance statistics for the current
and previous 15-minute periods, as well as for the current and previous 24
lofs The number of Loss Of Frame Seconds that have occurred within the period.
loss The number of Loss Of Signal Seconds that have occurred within the period.
lols The number of Loss Of Link Seconds that have occurred within the period.
lprs The number of Loss of Power Seconds that have occurred within the period.
es The number of Errored Seconds that have occurred within the period.
init The number of successful initializations that have occurred within the period.
ses The number of Severely Errored Seconds that have occurred within the period.
uas The number of UnAvailable Seconds that have occurred within the period.
Table 30 xDSL Performance (continued)