Chapter 28 PPPoA to PPPoE
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
28.3 PPPoA to PPPoE Status Screen
Use this screen to look at the current status of each PPPoA to PPPoE conversion. To open this
screen, click Advanced Application, PPPoA to PPPoE, and then click an index number.
Figure 103 PPPoA to PPPoE Status
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 64 PPPoA to PPPoE Status
PPPoA to PPPoE Click PPPoA to PPPoE to open the screen where you can set up PPPoA-to-
PPPoE conversions on each port (see Section 28.2 on page 203).
PVC This field displays the port number, VPI, and VCI of the PVC.
Session Status
Session State This field displays whether or not the current session is Up or Down.
Session ID This field displays the ID of the current session. It displays 0 if there is no
current session.
Session Uptime This field displays how long the current session has been up.
AC Name This field displays the hostname of the remote access concentrator if there are
two access concentrators (or BRAS) on the network or if you want to allow PAE
translation to the specified access concentrator.