Chapter 6 Home and Port Statistics Screens
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
6.1.3 RMON Statistics Screen
Use this screen to display RMON statistics about a port. To open this screen, click RMON in
the DSL Port Statistics screen or Ethernet Port Statistics screen.
Rx discard packets This field shows the number of received packets that were dropped on this port.
Some of the possible reasons for the discarding of received (rx) packets are:
• The packet filter is enabled and the packets matched a packet filter.
• The MAC filter is enabled and the IES-612-51A dropped the packets
according to the MAC filter’s configuration.
• The packets contained frames with an invalid VLAN ID.
Errors This field shows the number of AAL5 frames received with CRC errors.
Tx rate This field shows the number of kilobytes per second transmitted on this port.
Rx rate This field shows the number of kilobytes per second received on this port.
Tx bytes This field shows the number of bytes that have been transmitted on this port.
Rx bytes This field shows the number of bytes that have been received on this port.
VPI/VCI This field displays the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) and Virtual Circuit Identifier
(VCI) of channels on this port.
Tx Packets This field shows the number of packets transmitted on each channel.
Rx Packets This field shows the number of packets received on each channel.
Tx rate This field shows the number of bytes per second transmitted on each channel.
Rx rate This field shows the number of bytes per second received on each channel.
Tx cells This field shows the number of ATM cells transmitted on each channel.
Rx cells This field shows the number of ATM cells received on each channel.
Errors This field shows the number of error packets on each channel.
Poll Interval(s)
Set Interval
The text box displays how often (in seconds) this screen refreshes. You may
change the refresh interval by typing a new number in the text box and then
clicking Set Interval.
Stop Click Stop to halt system statistic polling.
Clear Counter
Select a port from the Port drop-down list box and then click Clear Counter to
erase the recorded statistical information for that port.
Reset Click this to set the Poll Interval(s) and Port fields to their default values and to
refresh the screen.
Table 7 Port Statistics (DSL) (continued)