Chapter 52 ADSL Commands
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
Figure 239 Annex I Enable Command Example
52.1.23 Annex I Disable Command
This command turns off the Annex I all digital mode feature on the specified ADSL2/2+
ras> adsl annexi disable <portlist>
The following example turns off the Annex I feature for port 5.
Figure 240 Annex I Disable Command Example
52.2 DSL Port Statistics Commands
Use these commands to display DSL port statistics.
52.2.1 DSL Port Show Command
ras> statistics adsl show [portlist]
This command displays DSL port connection statistics including the status (V for enabled, -
for disabled), operational mode, upstream and downstream maximum rates, up time and the
number of errored seconds.
The following example displays connection statistics for DSL port 1.
ras> adsl annexi enable 5
ras> adsl annexi disable 5
[portlist] =
You can specify a single DSL port <1>, all DSL ports <*> or
a list of DSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also include a range of
ports <1,5,6~10>.
Figure 241 DSL Port Show Command Example
ras> statistics adsl show 1
port status mode up/downstream up time error second(15M/24H)
---- ------ -------- ------------- -------------- ---------------------
1 V adsl2 512/ 9089 00000:00:04:59 15/15