Chapter 52 ADSL Commands
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
This command displays or sets masks for downstream carrier tones from 33 to 255. Masking a
carrier tone disables the use of that tone on the specified DSL port. The most significant bit
defines the lowest tone number in a mask.
The following example disables downstream carrier tone 71 for DSL port 5.
The following example displays the results.
This example disables downstream carrier tones 70 and 71 for DSL port 5.
52.1.15 DSL Port Downstream Carrier1 Command
ras> adsl dscarrier1 <port number> [<m0> <m1> <m2> <m3> <m4> <m5> <m6> <m7>]
The hexadecimal digit is converted to binary and a '1' masks (disables) the corresponding tone.
Disabling a carrier tone turns it off so the system does not send data on it.
Figure 227 DSL Port Downstream Carrier0 Command Example 1
ras> adsl dscarrier0 5 0 01000000 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 228 DSL Port Downstream Carrier0 Command Display Example
ras> adsl dscarrier0 5
ds carrier
port m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7
---- |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|
5 00000000 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
m1:32-63, m2:64-95, m3:96-127, m4:128-159
m5:160-191, m6:192-223, m7:224-255
Figure 229 DSL Port Downstream Carrier0 Command Example 2
ras> adsl dscarrier0 5 0 03000000 0 0 0 0 0
<m0> - <m7> =
The downstream carrier tones to be masked (disabled). Each
mx> can use up to 8 hexadecimal digits (0~ffffffff). Each
mx> represents 32 carrier tones (each hexadecimal digit
represents 4 tones).
<m0> =
tones 256~287
<m1> =
tones 288~319
<m2> =
tones 320~351
<m3> =
tones 352~383
<m4> =
tones 384~415
<m5> =
tones 416~447
<m6> =
tones 448~479
<m7> =
tones 480~511