Chapter 3 Front Panel
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
3.2.1 Console Port
For local management, you can use a computer with terminal emulation software configured
to the following parameters:
• VT100 terminal emulation
• 9600 bps
• No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
• No flow control
Connect the male 9-pin end of the console cable to the console port of the IES-612-51A.
Connect the female end to a serial port (COM1, COM2 or other COM port) of your computer. Default Ethernet Settings
The factory default negotiation settings for the Ethernet ports on the IES-612-51A are:
• Speed: Auto
• Duplex: Auto
SYS Green On The IES-612-51A’s system is running.
Blinking The IES-612-51A is booting.
Off The IES-612-51A’s stem is not running.
Green On The IES-612-51A has a successful 10 Mbps connection
on this port.
Blinking The IES-612-51A is sending/receiving data on this port.
Orange On The IES-612-51A has a successful 100 Mbps
connection on this port.
Blinking The IES-612-51A is sending/receiving data on this port.
ADSL (1~12) Green On The IES-612-51A has a successful DSL connection.
Blinking The IES-612-51A is looking for a DSL connection.
Off The IES-612-51A does not have a DSL connection.
Table 2 LEDs (continued)