Chapter 47 IGMP Commands
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
47.6.2 IGMP Count Enable Command
ras> switch igmpsnoop igmpcount enable <portlist>
This command turns on the IGMP count limit for the specified DSL port(s).
The following command turns on the IGMP count limit for port 4.
Figure 181 IGMP Count Enable Command Example
47.6.3 IGMP Count Set Command
ras> switch igmpsnoop igmpcount set <portlist> <count>
This command sets the IGMP count limit for the specified DSL port(s).
The following command sets a IGMP count limit of 2 for port 4.
Figure 182 IGMP Count Set Command Example
47.6.4 IGMP Count Show Command
ras> switch igmpsnoop igmpcount show [portlist]
<portlist> =
You can specify a single DSL port <1>, all DSL ports <*>
or a list of DSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also include a range
of ports <1,5,6~10>.
ras> switch igmpsnoop igmpcount enable 4
<portlist> =
You can specify a single DSL port <1>, all DSL ports <*> or
a list of DSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also include a range of
ports <1,5,6~10>.
<count> =
0..16; the maximum number of IGMP groups subscribers on
the specified port(s) can join.
ras> switch igmpsnoop igmpcount set 4 2