Chapter 52 ADSL Commands
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
The following table explains these counters.
These counters are also used in the alarm profiles (see Section 52.2.9 on page 365).
52.2.6 1 Day Performance Command
ras> statistics adsl 1dayperf <portlist>
This command displays line performance statistics for the current and previous 24 hours.
Table 95 15 Minute Performance Counters
atuc Upstream. These statistics are for the connection (or traffic) coming from the
subscriber’s device to the IES-612-51A.
atur Downstream. These statistics are for the connection (or traffic) going from the
IES-612-51A to the subscriber’s device.
lofs The number of Loss Of Frame seconds that have occurred within the 15-minute
loss The number of Loss Of Signal seconds that have occurred within the 15-minute
lols The number of Loss Of Link seconds that have occurred within the 15-minute
lprs The number of Loss of Power seconds (on the ATUR) that have occurred within
the 15-minute period.
eS The number of Errored Seconds that have occurred within the 15-minute period.
init The number of link ups and link downs that have occurred within the 15-minute
ses The number of Severely Errored Seconds that have occurred within the 15-
minute period.
uas The number of UnAvailable Seconds that have occurred within the 15-minute
<portlist> =
You can specify a single DSL port <1>, all DSL ports <*> or
a list of DSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also include a range of
ports <1,5,6~10>.