Chapter 56 Product Specifications
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
56.3 Standards Supported
The following list, which is not exhaustive, illustrates the standards supported in the IES-612-
Per ADSL Port
Number of ACL Profiles: 8
Number of DHCP snooping table entries: 32
Number of static DHCP snooping table entries: 32
Number of MAC filters: 10
Number of Joined MVLANs: 4
Number of PVCs (PVC, PPVC member, TLSPVC, PAEPVC): 8
Number of RPVC/RPVC routing entries: 8
Number of PPVCs: 2
Number of VLANs: 16
Number of IGMP groups per DSL port: 16
Number of IGMP host IP addresses per DSL port: 16
Number of IGMP host IP addresses per Ethernet port: 1024
Number of VLANs: 256
Number of ACL profiles: 128
Number of ADSL profiles: 24
Number of ATM profiles: 48
Number of IGMP filter profiles: 128
Number of ADSL alarm profiles: 24
Number of DHCP relay servers: 32
Number of IP routes: 128
Number of static multicast addresses: 32
Number of MVLAN: 16
Number of Multicast bandwidth control groups: 96
Number of IGMP groups: 256 groups
Number of User (administrator) accounts: 16
Number of Dot1X profiles: 64
Number of MAC addresses learnable: 9.5k (128 per ADSL port, 4k per
ENET port)
Number of RPVC gateway IP addresses: 96
Table 113 IES-612-51A Features (continued)
Table 114 Standards Supported
RFC 867 Daytime Protocol
RFC 868 Time Protocol.
RFC 1112 IGMP v1
RFC 1157 SNMPv1: Simple Network Management Protocol version 1
RFC 1305 Network Time Protocol (NTP version 3)
RFC 1441 SNMPv2 Simple Network Management Protocol version 2
RFC 1483 Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5
RFC 1901 SNMPv2c Simple Network Management Protocol version 2c
RFC 2236 Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 2.
RFC 2364 PPP over AAL5 (PPP over ATM over ADSL)