IES-612-51A User’s Guide
ADSL Commands
This chapter describes some of the commands that allow you to configure and monitor the
DSL ports.
52.1 DSL Port Commands
Use these commands to configure the DSL ports. See Chapter 13 on page 107 for background
information on DSL and ADSL.
52.1.1 DSL Port Show Command
ras> adsl show [portlist]
This command shows the activation status, operational mode, maximum upstream and
downstream rate settings, profile and name of each DSL port.
The following example displays information on DSL port 5.
52.1.2 DSL Port Enable Command
ras> adsl enable <portlist>
[portlist] =
You can specify a single DSL port <1>, all DSL ports <*> or
a list of DSL ports <1,3,5>. You can also include a range of
ports <1,5,6~10>.
Figure 214 DSL Port Show Command Example
ras> adsl show 5
port enable mode up/downstream profile name
---- ------ -------- ------------- ---------------- ----------------
5 - auto 512/ 2048 DEFVAL -