Chapter 56 Product Specifications
IES-612-51A User’s Guide
56.5 Hardware Telco-50 Connector Pin Assignments
The following diagram shows the pin assignments of the Telco-50 connector.
Figure 298 Telco-50 Pin Assignments
This table lists the ports and matching pin numbers for the hardware Telco-50 connector.
56.6 Console Cable Pin Assignments
The following diagrams and chart show the pin assignments of the console cable.
A. The IES-612-51A DSL ports’ PVCs use ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) 5.
Table 116 Hardware Telco-50 Connector Port and Pin Numbers
1 USER (14, 39), CO (1, 26)
2 USER (15, 40), CO (2, 27)
3 USER (16, 41), CO (3, 28)
4 USER (17, 42), CO (4, 29)
5 USER (18, 43), CO (5, 30)
6 USER (19, 44), CO (6, 31)
7 USER (20, 45), CO (7, 32)
8 USER (21, 46), CO (8, 33)
9 USER (22, 47), CO (9, 34)
10 USER (23, 48), CO (10, 35)
11 USER (24, 49), CO (11, 36)
12 USER (25, 50), CO (12, 37)