
Get a text message
Get a voicemail message
Get an email message
Send an email message
Have an appointment that you’ve set up to alert you
Lock iPhone
Type using the keyboard
Screen brightness aects battery life. Dim the screen to extend the time before you
need to recharge iPhone, or use Auto-Brightness.
Adjust the screen brightness: Choose Brightness and drag the slider.
Set whether iPhone adjusts screen brightness automatically: Choose Brightness
and turn Auto-Brightness on or o. If Auto-Brightness is on, iPhone adjusts the screen
brightness for current light conditions using the built-in ambient light sensor.
You see a wallpaper background picture when you unlock iPhone. You can select one
of the images that came with iPhone, or use a photo you’ve synced to iPhone from
your computer.
Set wallpaper: Choose Wallpaper and choose a picture.
The General settings include date and time, security, network, and other settings that
aect more than one application. This is also where you can nd information about
your iPhone, and reset iPhone to its original state.
Choose General > About to get information about iPhone, including:
Name of your phone network
Number of songs, videos, and photos
Total storage capacity
Space available
Software version
Serial and model numbers
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth addresses
Chapter 19 Settings