New voicemail
New text message
Customize the Start menu
The icons on the Start menu can be reorganized to fit your preferences. Also, you can move icons from
folders to the Start menu. When you do this, a shortcut is created on the Start menu and the original
icon stays in the folder.
Press Start
, tap and hold an icon, and then tap Move to Top or Move Down.
NOTE: When you click Move Down on a shortcut icon that originally resided in a folder, the
shortcut is deleted off the Start menu.
View your complete call history
To view the complete call history, press Send
, and then tap Menu > View > All Calls.
Use Voice Commander with a headset
To activate Voice Commander during hands free operation, press and hold the call button on a
wireless headset, and then speak a command.
If you are using a wired headset, press and release the call button, and then speak a command.
Quick access from the Today screen
Customize the Start menu