Zoom in or out
In Excel Mobile, you can zoom in to look more closely at a section of a document, or zoom out to see
more of the document at a reduced magnification.
Tap View > Zoom, and then change the zoom level as you want.
Hide and display rows or columns
Do any of the following:
To hide a row or column, tap a cell in the row or column you want to hide. Tap Menu >
Format > Row or Column, and then tap Hide.
To display a hidden row or column, select the cells that span the missing row or column, tap
Menu > Format > Row or Column, and then tap Unhide.
Go to a cell or region
1. Tap Menu > Edit > Go To.
Do one of the following:
To go to a specific cell, enter the cell reference, for example: C4. If the cell has a defined
name, you can enter the name instead of the reference.
● To go to the selected cell or region, tap Current region.
3. Tap OK.
NOTE: The current region is the block of filled-in cells that includes the selected cell or cells. The
region extends in all directions to the first empty row or column.
TIP: To go to a specific cell, you can also enter the cell reference in the name box and then tap OK.
Filter data in a worksheet
Select a cell or range of cells that contains the type of information that you want to filter.
2. Tap Menu > Tools > AutoFilter.
A drop-down arrow appears at the top of each selected column.
Tap the arrow to display a list of the data in the column.
To display only rows that contain that value, select a value (filter criterion) from the list.
5. Tap Custom to display the Custom AutoFilter dialog box, where you can specify comparisons.
To refine the displayed rows even more, repeat steps 3 and 4 as needed.
NOTE: The data in the top row of the selected cells or range of cells will not be filtered. That row
should contain column headings.
TIP: To turn off AutoFilter, tap Menu > Tools > AutoFilter.
To display all rows again, tap All in the filter list in each selected column.
Microsoft® Office Mobile