4. Tap Find.
Do one of the following:
To find the next instance of the search text, tap Next.
To replace text, tap Replace.
Word and Excel select the first instance of the text in the document and display buttons that let you find
the next instance or replace the text, as you want.
TIP: To limit your search to specific cells in Excel, select those cells before you tap Menu > Edit >
Create a file
In the Word Mobile and Excel Mobile programs, you can easily create documents and workbooks.
1. Press Start
, tap Office Mobile, and then tap a program name.
2. From the program, tap New.
You will see either a blank document or workbook, or a template, depending on what you have
selected as the default template.
Enter text and data.
4. To save the file, tap OK.
NOTE: By default, when you save a new file, a Word document is named after the first several words
in the file; an Excel workbook is named Book1, Book2, and so on. To give the file a meaningful name,
tap Menu > File > Rename/Move, and then enter the name that you want.
Create a template
If the existing templates do not meet your needs, you can create a custom template.
1. Press Start
, tap Office Mobile, and then tap a program name.
Open or create a file.
Enter text or information that you want to use in a template.
4. Tap Menu > File > Save As.
5. In the Name box, enter a name for the new template.
Do one of the following:
For Word, in the Type box, tap Word Template (*.dot).
For Excel, in the Type box, tap Excel Template (*.xlt).
7. To make the template available in the list of templates, in Folder, tap Templates. In Location,
tap Main memory.
8. Tap Save.
70 Chapter 16 Use productivity tools