LG Electronics -C900B Cell Phone User Manual

People Hub
The  rst time you start up Windows Phone
7, the Start screen will be fairly bare. In the
People Hub, in particular, most of the nine
squares in the hub will be empty. After
you import your contacts, you can add
photos to your contacts, and the People tile
squares will show small thumbnails of your
contacts. For  rst time use, tap the People
Hub to go to it.
Accessing the People Hub
When you open a contact, you’ll have all the
information you need to connect with your
friend in just a few taps.
Tap the method you want to use to connect
with your contact. It could be by phone, text
messaging, email, or Facebook.
For  rst time use, tap the People hub.
Later, when you have set up contacts and
photos, you’ll be able to click each of the
smaller nine tiles in the People hub to go
directly to a contact or to Facebook.
About the contacts
Each contact has the name of the person at
the top of the screen. Underneath are the
ways to reach him (text mobile, call home,
send email, etc.), as well as any personal
information you want to enter.
Importing contacts
One of the  rst things you’ll do with your
new phone is to create contacts. You
start by importing your existing contacts.
Contacts can be imported by your SIM card
and through email. They are automatically
brought into the People Hub.
On Start screen, tap the arrow to go
to your App list and tap Settings >
applications > people.
Tap import SIM contacts to start the
You can also import contacts from your
email accounts. Your MSN, Hotmail, and
Live.com accounts are all part of Windows
Live services and easily downloaded to
your phone.
Tap Windows Live to import your contacts
and calendar info from these accounts.
Adding a new contact
Now, let’s add a contact manually.
On Start, go and tap People, and tap the
plus icon
on the People Hub.
To add information, tap the plus sign
icon for each  eld you want to work
Tap the text  eld. Add the information
using the virtual keypad.
Type and add the information using the
Tap the Done icon
at the bottom
of the screen when you’re done with
that  eld.
To link a person’s contact to another:
Tap the link icon (circled chain link) at
the bottom of the screen and choose a
Personal Information