values by selecting 'View' soft menu. One of the
profiles has to be selected for each application,
and the selected profile will be used when the
application tries to connect to the network.
The default selected profile is chosen in Java
settings menu. For the detailed information, please
refer to "JAVA settings" section. You can also
change the profile for each application.
To set a specific profile to each application, the
only thing you have to do is select one profile
from the profile list. When you select one profile,
it is just set to the selected application. This
change made on one application never be
reflected on others. By using this way, all the
applications can have different profiles. From the
profile settings fields, Proxy IP address, Proxy port,
and Access point fields are used for network
access. To add, delete, and edit the profile lists,
please refer to the "JAVA settings" section.
JAVA settings
1. Activate a profile
Move the cursor to the profile which user would
like to activate.
Press “OK” key or select “Activated” from
“Options” menu.
2. Add a new profile
Select “Add new” from “Options” menu.
The following items need to be configured.
Press “Done” key to save any configuration
Account title JAVA settings account name.
Authentication Enable/Disable the proxy authentication
depending on the settings from the operator.
User User details are provided by operator.
Password Password is provided by operator.
Connection mode Choose from given list of connection modes.
(default is TCP with Proxy)
Proxy IP address WAP Gateway IP address provided by the
operator. (e.g. 195. 115. 025. 129)
Proxy port Port details are provided by operator,
depending upon “Connection mode”.
Access point Access point setting for the corresponding
service. (More details for adding or editing
new Access point refer page 94)