Memory status MENU 7.8
This function shows the usage of the memory of
the mobile phone that can be used to save user
data. User data is saved in a FLASH memory, a type
of nonvolatile memory, keeping saved data
permanently unless the data are deleted by user.
Common memory (Menu 7.8.1)
This function shows the status of the common
memory. The function takes few seconds to load
the contents. The usual contents are related to
Photos, Pictures, Sounds, Music, Games & more,
Videos, Bluetooth data It gives the size in terms of
Kilobytes for each item in the common memory.
Reserved memory (Menu 7.8.2)
This functions shows the status of the reserved
memory. The usual contents are Text messages,
Contacts, Calendar, To Do, Memo and It give a
clear illustration of the actual number to the total
number of count of each item.
SIM memory (Menu 7.8.3)
This function shows the status of the SIM card user
External memory (Menu 7.8.4)
This function shows the status of the External card
user memory. This function displays the In-use and
free memory usage statistics.
Handset info. MENU 7.9
This functions shows the SIM card telephone
number, model name and software version of the
mobile phone.
Reset settings MENU 7.*
It resets the handset memory and Default settings
brings all the phone settings to its default values.
In Clear memory “Handset Contents” will reset Java,
Bookmarks, Saved Internet pages, Recent Internet
pages, Videos and Audios. “Handset personal info”
will reset Contacts, Messages, Diary, Alarms, Calls.
No SIM memory option. “External memory” will
reset the external memory.