
Play a playlist
Select Options > Playlists and the playlist.
Tip: Music player automatically creates a playlist for the most played songs, recently
played songs, and recently added songs.
Copy music from your PC
Do you have music on your PC that you want to listen on your device? Nokia Ovi Suite is
the fastest way to transfer music on your device, and you can use it to manage and
synchronize your music collection.
1 Use a compatible USB data cable to connect your device to your computer.
2 On your device, select the notification area in the top right corner, and select
USB > Media transfer.
3 Open Nokia Ovi Suite on your computer, and follow the displayed instructions. For
more information, see the Nokia Ovi Suite help.
Download the latest version of Nokia Ovi Suite from www.ovi.com.
Some music files can be protected by digital rights management (DRM) and cannot be
played on more than one device.
About Ovi Music
Select Menu > Music > Ovi Music, or go to www.ovi.com.
Ovi Music gives you access to songs that you can sample and download. Browse Ovi
Music, and discover new music and old favorites!
Different services and options are available, depending on your country of residence.
To download music, you need to create a Nokia account.
You can create a Nokia account, join Ovi Music, and sign in to your account using any of
the following:
74 Music and audio