
Edit text
Select a paragraph.
Format text
To edit the font and paragraph properties, select Options > Format.
Edit a workbook
With Quickoffice, you can edit Microsoft Excel workbooks.
Select Menu > Office > Quickoffice.
Create a new document
Select New document.
Edit a cell
Select the cell and Options > Edit cell. To insert a function, in the editing view, select
Options > Insert function.
Edit a presentation
With Quickoffice, you can edit Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
Select Menu > Office > Quickoffice.
Create a new document
Select New document.
Add a slide
Select Options > Slide options > Insert new slide.
Insert an image, textbox, shape, or other element
Select Options > Insert.
Edit text
Select a textbox and Options > Edit textbox.
Read PDF documents
With Adobe Reader, you can read PDF documents.
Select Menu > Office > Adobe Reader.
Office 99