
Music player
Album art—Opens a view which will show you album art
currently attached to the selected album or song You can
change or add album art using images on your phone.
Mark/Unmark—Allows you to select several items for
Set as ringing tone—Selects the selected song as the
ringing tone of the active profile
Reorder list—Rearrange the songs of a playlist
Options only in Now Playing view
Go to Music menu—Opens the Music menu view
Shuffle—Switches the shuffle mode on or off. In shuffle
mode the songs are played in random order.
Repeat—Repeats the song or all songs in the list that is
currently being played.
Equaliser—Opens a view where you can adjust the sound
frequency balance.
Rename items
1 Select an Artist, Album, Genre, or Composer from the
2 Select Options > Rename.
3 Enter the new name, and select OK. All songs belonging
to the selected artist, album, genre, or composer are
View and edit song details
In a song view, Select Options > Song details. The
following information is displayed and editable.
Song name—The name of the song
Artist—The name of the artist
Album—The name of the album to which this song belongs
Track number—The song position in the album to which
this song belongs
Year—The year in which the album was released
Genre—The style category to which this song belongs
Composer—The name of the composer of this song
Comment—Any other information about this song
To view details like File name, Format, Duration and DRM
details, select Options > View file details in Song details