
© 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
5 Select OK.
Connecting appears; then Login completed and the Instant messaging
menu follow.
Set manual or automatic login
After you first log in, you can use either a manual or an automatic login. If
you log in manually, you will receive a screen prompt for your user ID and
password each time. The user ID and password you entered previously appear
on the login screen (the password is represented by asterisks).
From the Instant messaging menu, select Options > Settings > IM
Settings > Open > Login type > Change and one of the following options:
Automatic — When you select the IM application, you are automatically
connected to the IM service without entering your user ID and password.
Manual — When you select the IM application, you are prompted for your
user ID and password before being connected to the IM service.
Set Availability
You can determine whether other users can know if you are online or not. To
set your IM presence, perform the following steps:
From the Instant messaging menu, select Options > Settings > IM
Settings > Availability and one of the following options:
Available — Others see your status as online, and you receive availability
information and messages from others.