C H A P T E R 7
Troubleshootingyour interactiveflatpanel
63 smarttech.com/kb/170446
Symptom Causes Solution
Your interactive flat panel is
turning on when people
aren’t present.
There’s a sudden
temperature change in the
room (humidifier emission,
air conditioning, heating
Remove the source of major
temperature fluctuation.
Sunlight is hitting the
Close any blinds or shades.
Your interactive flat panel is
turning off when people are
Over time, the sensors
average the room
temperature so people’s
body temperature becomes
part of the ambient
Increase the time before the
interactive flat panel
automatically turns off (see page
70 for SMARTBoard
8070i-G4-SMP interactive flat
panels or page 78 for
SMARTBoard 8084i-G4-SMP
interactive flat panels).
Resolving issues using the SMART
You can resolve a variety of issues using the SMART Connection Wizard found in SMARTSettings.
To resolve issues using the SMART Connection Wizard
1. Press the Help button on the color select module.
The Help and Support for Your SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard window appears.
2. Press Connection Wizard.
The SMART Connection Wizard appears.
You can also access the SMART Connection Wizard by opening SMARTSettings (see
Opening SMARTSettings on page 43) and then pressing Connection Wizard.
3. Select SMART Board 8000 series interactive flat panel, and then press Next.
4. Select the option that best describes the issue you’re encountering, and follow the on-screen
instructions to troubleshoot your interactive flat panel.