NodeBuilder Errors Guide 6-9
NEX# Description
An image can not be exported as configured, without domain,
and with a 96 bit authentication key [NEX#64]
Exporting configured and authenticated images requires the
domain to be specified if a 96-bit authentication key is to be used.
See the Neuron Chip data book and the NodeBuilder User's Guide
for details about exporting configured images.
The currently chosen firmware does not support 96 bit
authentication keys [NEX#65]
You must choose a firmware version that supports this feature, or
use a 48-bit authentication key instead.
96 bit authentication keys requires two domain table entries
You cannot reduce the size of the domain table to one entry (by
using the Neuron C compiler directive #pragma
num_domain_entries 1 and still export this device image using a
96-bit authentication key. You may use a 48-bit authentication
key, or you must allow for both domain table entries to be created.
At least one of domain ID, subnet ID, and node ID has not
been specified but is required for this export configuration
The image cannot be exported as desired due to lack of data. For
example, this would occur if an image should be exported in the
configured state, and only the subnet and node ID, but no domain
ID, was provided. Make sure to specify all data required, or to
specify the correct state of the exported image.
The firmware does not support 96 bit authentication keys
You must disable authentication, use a 48-bit authentication key,
or use a firmware version that does provide support for 96-bit
authentication keys.
The chosen firmware does not support operation at 3.2768 or
6,5536MHz [NEX#71
The 6.5536MHz clock rate is only supported in Version 14
firmware and later.
The chosen combination of transceiver and Neuron model
requires operation at 3.2768 or 6.5536 MHz [NEX#73]
When using the PL31x0 chip, when combined with the PL-20A or
PL-20A-LOW transceiver, you must use the 6.5536 clock rate.
For other cases, please consult your Neuron Chip or Smart
Transceiver Data book.
The <transceiver_name> transceiver requires a minimum
clock rate of <clock_rate> MHz [NEX#74]
The chosen transceiver requires the Neuron Chip or Smart
Transceiver to operate at a certain minimum clock rate; please
consult your transceiver or Smart Transceiver databook for details.