7-2 Project Make Errors (PMK)
PMK# Description
Build failure [PMK#100]
Build failure [PMK#101]
Build failure [PMK#102]
These error codes are generic error codes, which occur as a natural
result of a build failure. The reason for the build failure will
appear in one or more error messages that precede the generic
message (typically the most recent message(s) before this message).
After a build failure that was determined by some other service
used by the make facility (such as the compiler, the assembler, the
linker, or the exporter), the "target service" should have already
issued a more helpful error message. Make aborts the build
attempt and must return an error indication. The Make facility
error indication will be a PMK#100, PMK#101, or PMK#102
message. In case this message occurs without any other error
given, please contact LonSupport.
Can't find target '<target name>' in template <templatefile>.
Build target invalid, probably caused by invalid target name
(should be "Development", "Release", etc)
105 Can't load the device template file <filename>[PMK#105]
Nodebuilder device template file is invalid, does not exist, or is
107 Don't know what to do. No action specified.[PMK#107]
No action given. Actions are "Build", "clean", etc. See command
line usage of the PMK project make facility, or type 'PMK -?' to
obtain on-screen usage hints.
108 Don't know what to build. Target missing.[PMK#108]
No build target has been specified, but a build target is required for
the requested action. The tool cannot operate without a build target
being specified; use the -t (--target) command to specify the desired
target. Targets are "Release", "Development", etc.
110 <Dependency message>[PMK#110]
A dependency file cannot be read, or the file is corrupt. To fix,
attempt the "clean" and "build unconditionally" commands. PMK
combines error messages caused by dependency file access routines
into this PMK#110 error message, but provides the full detail of the
failure cause in the error message.
111 Failure when launching LONUCL32.DLL[PMK#111]
Failure attaching to the LONUCL32.DLL - make sure
LONUCL32.DLL exists in the current Windows search path, and
make sure no other application is attempting to build a target at
the same time.