
5-2 Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
The errors produced by Neuron C are of four severity levels:
FYI (For Your Information) errors are intended simply to provide
Warning errors are not severe enough to prevent successful compilation, but
they should each be examined, and corrected if appropriate. Any code that is
flagged by the compiler with a warning message should be viewed as a
potential programming error, or at least as a poor programming practice.
Error messages result from code constructs that cannot be interpreted by the
compiler in any way that would produce compilable code, or indicate
situations that are expressly prohibited by either the ANSI C language
standard, or by Neuron C. A compilation with one or more error messages
does not produce a device file set.
FATAL errors prevent the compiler from performing any further translation.
These messages result from resource problems (out of memory, disk full, and
so on) or from internal checking on the compiler itself. Any message of the
form ***TRAP n***, where n is a decimal number, should be reported to
The following discussions interpret each FYI, Warning, or Error message
produced by the Neuron C Compiler, and briefly explain how to correct the
problem. Error messages appear in bold italic type. The explanation of
how to correct the problem appears beneath the message in normal type.
NCC# Description
1 Maximum token length exceeded [NCC#1]
No Neuron C token can exceed 256 characters. This applies to
identifiers, numbers, string constants, and so on. This does not apply
to comments.
2 Character in input is not acceptable for C source [NCC#2]
The Neuron C compiler uses only the minimum ANSI C standard
character set. Additionally, the characters $, @, and `(accent-grave)
can be used in string and character constants. All other non-
standard characters are treated as white space, except for ^D and
^Z. Appearance of either of these two characters in the input file is
taken to be an end-of-file marker.
3 Float constants are not supported [NCC#3]
4 Float exponent too big [NCC#4]
The 'expand_array_info' option does not apply to a msg_tag
6 Comment not properly terminated [NCC#6]
An end-of-file condition was discovered in the middle of a comment.
This is an unterminated comment condition and is an error. The
error message contains the beginning of the comment.