NodeBuilder Errors Guide 6-11
NEX# Description
4005 Ignoring superfluous .phd file (<filename>) [NEX#4005]
Ignoring superfluous .phd file. Both a new and a legacy linker
dependency file have been specified; the old format (.phd) is being
The selected feature requires exporting a configured image
(feature ignored) [NEX#4006]
A feature was requested that can only be used with a configured
image; use the --state command to request exporting of a
configured image.
Cannot update dependency file <file> (<reason>). This might
cause the build status calculator to fail [NEX#4007]
The Exporter's dependency file cannot be written due to the reason
given in the message. The file should be made writable to prevent
the build status calculator from failure.
No boot ID was specified. A random value (<value>) is being
used instead [NEX#4008]
A boot ID value was not explicitly specified. To prevent multiple
versions of the same device to be exported with the same boot ID,
the Exporter automatically allocates a boot ID randomly (value
shown in the message). It is recommended to use the --bootid
command to explicitly specify the desired boot ID value, or to use
the Project Make Facilities' boot ID management feature.
The export configuration does not permit the authentication
key, domain ID, subnet ID, or node ID to be set. These will be
ignored and the image will be exported in the requested
state [NEX#4009]
The image cannot be exported in the desired state with all data
provided. Superfluous data is being ignored, as the state has
priority over the other parameters. For example, this could occur
if an image is to be exported in a 'no domain' configuration
although a domain ID has been specified.
The subnet/node ID has not been specified for the desired
configuration. S/N = 1/1 is assumed [NEX#4010]
This warning will occur whenever an image is to be exported into
the cloned domain, without both subnet and node ID being given.
A device that has the clone domain flag raised must still have a
valid domain/subnet/node configuration. The warning indicates
that the problem has been recognized, subnet/node ID 1/1 are
being assumed, and the export continues.
Make sure to verify that this assumption meets your