NodeBuilder Errors Guide 5-17
NCC# Description
124 Incorrect ‘clock’ select value [NCC#124]
For I/O objects that accept a clock modifier in their declaration, the
legal values are from 0 to 7, inclusive, except for the pulsecount
output object, which uses only 1 to 7. The clock value must be a
constant expression.
125 Incorrect ‘numbits’ value or type [NCC#125]
The bitshift I/O object type declaration can optionally specify the
number of bits to be specified. This numbits modifier has as an
argument that must be a compile-time integer constant expression
with a value from 1 to 128.
Bad I/O modifier for this I/O object type [NCC#126]
Several of the I/O object declarations permit or require modifiers,
like mux, ded, sync, and so on. These are permitted or required on
a per I/O object-type basis. At most one of each type of modifier is
permitted in a single declaration.
127 Duplicate I/O object modifier not allowed [NCC#127]
Several of the I/O object declarations permit or require modifiers,
like mux, ded, sync, and so on. These are permitted or required on
a per I/O object-type basis. At most one of each type of modifier is
permitted in a single declaration.
128 I/O object type cannot have an initial-pin-level [NCC#128]
Most output object types permit specification of an initial pin-level
value to be assumed by the pin on power up or chip reset, until the
application program takes over. However, the I/O object for which
this message is being output does not permit an initial pin level.
Initial-pin level must be in range 0...255 [NCC#129]
Initial-pin level must be in range 0...15 [NCC#130]
Initial-pin level must be 0 or 1 [NCC#131]
Most output object types permit specification of an initial pin-level
value to be assumed by the pin on power up or chip reset, until the
application program takes over. All single-pin initial levels must be
either 0 or 1. The nibble I/O object type, which uses four
consecutive pins, can have initial values from 0 to 15, with the values
being mapped as a binary number onto the four pins. Likewise, the
byte I/O object type can have initial values from 0 to 255.
132 Unacceptable function return type [NCC#132]
A function in Neuron C cannot return an object that is a struct or
union type, nor can it return an array type. However, a function can
return pointers to such objects.