5-54 Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
NCC# Description
Existing LonMark SD string info for node will be overridden
When a Neuron C program uses any of the new Neuron C Version 2
features that support the construction of a L
ONMARK device, the
compiler will create the SD and SI information for the device. When
the compiler attempts to insert this information into the SI and SD
strings, if there is already text present from the user's program, the
compiler will insert the L
ONMARK information at the front of the
string, and will then use a semicolon character to separate the
automatically-generated string from the user-specified string.
If the compiler detects that the existing string information started
with the special characters that would identify that information as
LONMARK information, the compiler then issues this warning, to let
the programmer know that the existing L
ONMARK information in the
program was overridden.
Insertion of LonMark node SD info truncates existing string
When a Neuron C program uses any of the new Neuron C Version 2
features that support the construction of a LONMARK device, the
compiler will create the SD and SI information for the device. When
the compiler attempts to insert this information into the SI and SD
strings, if there is already text present from the user's program, the
compiler will insert the L
ONMARK information at the front of the
string, and will then use a semicolon character to separate the
automatically-generated string from the user-specified string.
If the compiler detects that the addition of this information will
cause the string to exceed the limit of 1023 characters, the compiler
will truncate the string and issue this message.
The fblock external name string is invalid or is too long
The L
ONMARK Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines state
that the external name of a functional block (the name which
appears in the L
ONMARK information in the node's SD string) shall
be 16 characters or less. There are certain restrictions to the set of
acceptable characters, too. See the guidelines document, referenced
above, for more information.
NV array element used as member of fblock requires an index
A simple (non-array) functional block declaration requires network
variable members that are not arrays. These members can either be
simple network variables, or elements of network variable arrays. In
the case of an element of a network variable array, an index
expression must be part of the declaration in the implements
statement, to identify the array element to be used.