5-64 Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
NCC# Description
502 NV array used as property is too small [NCC#502]
A functional block array declaration may have its properties
implemented using configuration parameters or configuration
property network variable arrays. The network variable arrays may
be larger than the functional block array, but may not be smaller.
The network variable array elements' indices need not start at 0 in
correspondence with the functional block array, but they must be
consecutive. Thus, the network variable array must be large enough
to accommodate the functional block array. For example, consider
the following erroneous declaration:
network output SNVT_volt v[4];
network input cp SCPTdefOutput defOut[6];
fblock SFPTwhatever {
v[1] implements memberV;
} fb[3]
fb_properties {
The functional block array fb has three members, and the network
variable array v has four members. The compiler matches v[1] with
fb[0], v[2] with fb[1], and v[3] with fb[2], and this is fine. However,
the property array starts with defOut[4] matched with fb[0], and
defOut[5] is therefore matched with fb[1] (The array elements
defOut[0], defOut[1], defOut[2], and defOut[3] are not used in this
declaration.) There are not enough elements in the array defOut,
because defOut[6] would be needed for fb[2], but the array's last
member is defOut[5].
Global property cannot have conflicting range modification
strings [NCC#503]
A global property may be shared between two or more network
variables, or between two or more functional blocks. The shared
property may have a range-modification specifier assigned in each
property list where it appears, but these range-modification
specifiers are not permitted to conflict.
The file for scope ‘<value>’ of the external name reference is
not available [NCC#504]
The external_resource_name feature of the fblock declaration
specifies a <scope>:<index> reference to a string, but when the
compiler attempted to check the validity of the reference by checking
the existence of the string, the applicable resource file for scope
<value> was not available.
The string at index ‘<value>’ is not present in the file for scope
‘<value>’ [NCC#505]
The external_resource_name feature of the fblock declaration
specifies a <scope>:<index> reference to a string, but when the
compiler attempted to check the validity of the reference by checking
the existence of the string, the string was not present in the specified
resource file.