5-28 Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
NCC# Description
206 Invalid indirection expression - not a pointer [NCC#206]
This error occurs when the operand of the * indirection operator is
not a pointer. This operator can only be applied to a pointer variable
or a constant typed as a pointer.
207 Invalid operand for address operator [NCC#207]
The operand of the & address operator is not a variable, or is a
variable type for which addressing is not permitted. For example,
you cannot take the address of a numeric constant. In Neuron C, you
also cannot take the address of a timer object, a message tag, an I/O
object, or a functional block.
The 'io_select' call for this device cannot specify a clock value
The io_select( ) function permits an optional second parameter used
to change the timer/counter internal clock setting (in a range from 0-
7). However, this clock option can only be used when selecting an I/O
object that permits a clock setting in that object's declaration. See
the chapters describing I/O objects in the Neuron C Programmer's
Guide and the Neuron C Reference Guide for more information.
Bad type for operator [NCC#209]
Bad type for conditional expression [NCC#210]
These error diagnostics result from combining expressions of
conflicting types, such as assigning an int to a pointer, or a pointer of
one type to a pointer of another type, or in using objects that have no
value (such as message tags or I/O object names) in expressions.
However, note that casting should be avoided if possible, as it is often
poor programming practice.
Long constant value being converted to short [NCC#211]
Possible data loss converting long to short [NCC#212
These diagnostics result from an automatic conversion of a long
variable to a short. To make these warnings go away, modify the
variable declarations or use an explicit cast operator.
Cannot use address or index operator with message object
The message objects, msg_out, msg_in, resp_out, and resp_in,
have no value in themselves. They only have meaning when they are
accessed using the dot operator (.) and a field name. Only certain
predefined field names apply. The data field is an array, and access
to it must be via index, except when used with memcpy( ).
214 If one priority count is zero, both must be zero [NCC#214]
The Neuron C application controls the counts and sizes of various
buffers used in sending and receiving messages and network variable
There are two priority buffer pools, one at the network level, and one
at the application level. Either or both pools must be empty, or both
pools must contain buffers. A zero count cannot be specified for one
priority pool and a nonzero count for the other.