NodeBuilder Errors Guide 1-3
DBG# Description
Debug kernel version not supported by debugger
The debug kernel was updated and this debugger will no
longer work with the target device. You need to update the
Feature is not included in the version of the debug
kernel included in the target device [DBG#17]
Some feature are excluded at compile time with various debug
kernel options or #pragma debug <option> statements. The
operation the debugger attempted will not work with the
target’s application.
Cannot allocate a reference ID to send a message
through the network interface. [DBG#18]
No longer used.
19 Bad parameter passed to method [DBG#19]
Program error. Please contact LonSupport.
Command is invalid in the current dbgDebugStatus
The device could be taking longer than expected to complete
its reset processing.
Command invalid until pending command completes
The device could be taking longer than expected to complete
its reset processing.
The target has been built since it was last loaded.
Reload it and try again [DBG#23]
The dependency checker keeps track of all source files,
resources, hardware templates, etc. The debug file (.DBT)
must be kept in sync with the loaded application to allow the
debugger to function.
The source file specified is not in the debugger's
application image [DBG#25]
The debugger tells the editor to load the top-level .nc file when
it starts. In this case the debug file (.DBT) does not agree
with the built image.
The source file specified has been modified from the
version in the debug application image. [DBG#26]
A dependency check. You need to re-build, load and start the
debugger again.
27 Maximum number of breakpoints already set [DBG#27]