5-16 Neuron C Compiler Errors (NCC)
NCC# Description
115 Pins IO_5...IO_7 must use ‘mux’ timer [NCC#115]
For I/O object types that use a timer/counter, the timer/counter used
is dependent on the pin assigned to the I/O object. There are two
timer/counters, the dedicated (abbreviated ded) and the multiplexed
(abbreviated mux). The dedicated circuit uses pin IO_1 for output
and pin IO_4 for input. The multiplexed circuit uses pin IO_0 for
output and multiplexes among pins IO_4, IO_5, IO_6, and IO_7 for
For input objects using a timer/counter, the programmer need not
specify which timer/counter circuit is being used except when the
input I/O object is assigned to pin IO_4. Then, either the mux or
ded keyword must be included in the declaration of the I/O object.
116 I/O object requires ‘sync’ pin specification [NCC#116]
The triac I/O object type declaration must include an assignment for
a sync pin. Since the triac type uses a timer/counter output, the
sync pin must use a corresponding input on the same timer/counter.
If the dedicated timer/counter is used, only IO_4 can be used for the
sync pin. If the multiplexed timer/counter is used, any of IO_4,
IO_5, IO_6, or IO_7 can be used.
117 I/O object requires ‘sync’ pin on one of IO_4...IO_7 [NCC#117]
The neurowire I/O object type declaration must also include
specification of a pin to be used for an I/O object select. Only a pin
from IO_0 through IO_7 may be used for a select pin.
118 I/O object requires ‘sync’ pin on IO_4 [NCC#118]
The neurowire I/O object type declaration must also include
specification of a pin to be used for an I/O object select. Only a pin
from IO_0 through IO_7 may be used for a select pin.
119 I/O object requires ‘select’ pin specification [NCC#119]
The neurowire I/O object type declaration must also include
specification of a pin to be used for an I/O object select. Only a pin
from IO_0 through IO_7 may be used for a select pin.
120 The ‘select’ pin must be one of IO_0...IO_7 [NCC#120]
The neurowire I/O object type declaration must also include
specification of a pin to be used for an I/O object select. Only a pin
from IO_0 through IO_7 may be used for a select pin.
121 I/O object requires ‘master’, ‘slave’, or ‘slave_b’ [NCC#121]
The parallel I/O object type declaration must be qualified with one
of the keywords master, slave, or slave_b to specify which parallel
I/O protocol is to be used.
I/O object type not available on requested pin [NCC#122]
Pin/resource conflict with a previous I/O object [NCC#123]
In several cases, more than one Neuron Chip I/O object type can be
assigned to a single pin within a single application. The rules for
overlaying I/O object declarations are discussed in Chapter 2 of the
Neuron C Programmer's Guide.