
EPSON Imaging Technology Center Page: 41
Revision: 1 10/6/00
6.20 Set relative vertical print position “ESC (v nL nH m1 m2 m3 m4”
ASCII ESC ( v nL nH m1 m2 m3 m4
Hex 1B 28 76 nL nH m1 m2 m3 m4
Decimal 27 40 118 nL nH m1 m2 m3 m4
Range of Values for Parameters:
nL=04H, nH=00H
0 <= (m4*1000000H +m3*10000H + m2*10H + m1))×(relative vertical position set
unit)inch <= 1FFFFFFFH/1440 inch
1) The printing position in the Y direction is set to a position spaced in the positive
direction from the present Y printing position in the Y direction by
(m4*256*256*256 + m3*256*256 + m2*256 + m1) x (relative vertical position
set unit) inches.
Setting in theystem.
2) If the position set by this command is higher than the top margin position on the
current page, this command is ignored.
3) If the printing position in the Y direction has been set by this command to a non-
printable region, then the position management coordinate system is set to the
next page, and the printing position in the Y direction is reset to the origin upon
the Y axis of the new position management coordinate system.
Initial State: -
Related Commands:
Commands related in the direction of applying an effect (Setting)
Commands related in the direction of receiving an effect (Setting)
Commands related in the direction of applying an effect (Operation)
Commands related in the direction of receiving an effect (Operation)
The relative vertical position setting units are set by the ESC (U command.
The non-printable region is set by the ESC (c commands.
The relative vertical position setting units, the non-printable region, and the
printing position in the Y direction are reset to their initial states by the ESC @
and ESC (G commands.