MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
Daily: Starting month and date, and ending month and date
Weekly: Starting month and ending month
Monthly: Starting month and ending month
Default settings are as follows.
Daily: From: Jan / 1 To: Jan / 1
Weekly: From: Jan To: Jan
Monthly: From: Jan To: Jan
On Time On the specified execution date, set whether the power-supply is to be turned
If the power-supply is to be ON, set the time.
Time is specified in24 hours. Minute specifies the interval of 10 minutes as 00,
10, 20, 30, 40, and 50.
Off Time Set whether the power-supply is OFF on the specified execution date.
If the power-supply is OFF, set the time.
Time is specified
in 24 hours. Minute is specified in the interval of 10 minutes,
as 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50.
TABLE 1.63 [Add Schedule] Window Buttons
If the [Apply] button is clicked, the schedule information specified in each item is applied to the
If the [Cancel] button is clicked, returns to the original sate without applying the schedule
information specified in each item.
This section describes the messages to be displayed on this window.
The duplicate On/Off Time is found.
Both On/ Off Time are disabled.
For details on the messages displayed on the window, see PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Message Reference
1.3.3 [Console Redirection Setup] window
There are following windows in the [Console Redirection Setup] menu.
[IPv4 Console Redirection Setup] window
[IPv6 Console Redirection Setup] window
[IPv4 Console Redirection Setup] window
The IP address settings for accessing Console Redirection Setup of IPv4, subnet mask, video redirection
and enable/disable settings of virtual media can be done in the [IPv4 Console Redirection Setup] window.