MMB CLI (Command Line Interface) Operations
2.2.37 hotremove partition
The specified SB or IOU is removed dynamically from the specified partition.
In the case of any of the following, the error is displayed and processing is interrupted.
① When the DR function of the specified partition is invalid
② When the specified partition is operated DR
③ When the specified partition is starting
④ When OS of the specified partition is DR off the subject
⑤ When the specified SB or IOU is not exist in the specified partition.
⑥ When specified SB is Home SB (At the SB specification)
Privilege: Administrator
(1) Input format
hotremove partition <partition#> SB <SB#x> {quiet}
hotremove partition <partition#> IOU <IOU#x> {quiet}
(2) Option
quiet: The command is executed without interacting with the user.
(3) Usage example
Example: When SB#3 is removed from Partition#2
# hotremove partition 2 SB 3
Are you sure to continue removing SB#3 from partition#2? [Y/N] Y
DP operation start (1/4)
Offlining removed Memory/CPU (2/4)
Reconfiguring partition#2 (3/4)
Releasing SB#3 (4/4)
Removing SB#3 from partition#2 has been completed successfully.
Example: When IOU#3 is removed from Partition#2
# hotremove partition 2 IOU 3
Are you sure to continue adding IOU#3 to Partition#2? [Y/N] Y
Adding IOU#3 to Partition#2 has been completed successfully.
(4) Message
The following table lists the messages which are displayed in this CLI.
For details of the messages, see the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Message Reference (C122-E178EN).
Are you sure to continue removing [SB#%d|IOU#%d] from Partition#%d? [Y/N]:
Offlining removed Memory/CPU (2/4)
Reconfiguring partition#%d (3/4)
Removing [SB#%d|IOU#%d] from partition#%d has been completed successfully.
The specified [SB#%d|IOU#%d] is not present.
The specified [SB#%d|IOU#%d] is power-off.
The specified [SB#%d|IOU#%d] is not in specified Partition.
The specified SB#%d is home SB.
Failed to execute hotremove partition command.
Unable to execute this command on a standby MMB.
Hot-remove [SB#%d|IOU#%d] failed.