UEFI Menu Operations
4. Decide priority level between multiple DVD/CD according to the [Set Legacy DVD/CD‐ROM Drive Order]
menu of the Boot Options menu. (See “■ [Set Legacy DVD/CD‐ROM Drive Order] menu”.) In the boot
specification of legacy BIOS, the priority level between multiple DVD/CD can be set in the DVD/CD type.
5. Decide priority level between multiple network ports according to the [Set Legacy NET Drive Order] menu
of the [Boot Options] menu. (See “■ [Set Legacy NET Drive Order] menu”.) In the boot specification of
legacy BIOS, the priority level between multiple network ports can be set in the network port type.
3.3.4 Boot processing
1. Flow of startup of boot processing
The flow of the startup by the boot specification of the boot specification of UEFI and legacy BIOS is shown
in “TABLE 3.4 Flow of startup by boot specification of UEFI and boot specification of legacy BIOS”.
TABLE 3.4 Flow of startup by boot specification of UEFI and boot specification of legacy BIOS
< Boot priority level of UEFI Aware operating system>
Tries boot of UEFI Aware in the sequence of Boot Order.
1 Windows Boot Manager: Tries boot of Windows Boot Manager
2 EFI USB Device: Tries boot of UEFI Aware operating system from USB Device.
3 EFI Network Device: Tries boot of UEFI Aware operating system from network port.
The legacy boot option from each legacy device described as follows is an example.
The UEFI boot option
whose priority level is lower than the legacy boot option is not booted
4 Fujitsu Virtual CDROMO 1.00: Tries legacy operating system boot from CD ROM of legacy.
5 EFI USB Device 2: Priority is lower than the Legacy Boot Option thus unable to boot automatically.
6. Fujitsu Virtual Floppy0 1.00: Tries legacy operating system boot from Floppy drive of the legacy.
7. EFI Internal Shell: Starts UEFI Shell.
2. Flow of processing when boot processing success / fails
The flow of processing when success/fails in the boot processing of the each operating system is shown as
• If booting of Windows Server 2008 which has UEFI Aware operating system is successful
TABLE 3.5 Boot success of Windows Server 2008
1 Windows Boot Manager : Tries the boot of Windows Boot Manager
Boot success – Windows Boot
4 FujitsuVirtualCDROM01.00
6 Fujitsu Virtual Floppy0 1.00
7 UEFI Internal Shell: Starts UEFI Shell