MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
- However, "#" cannot be used for the heading character. "." (period) cannot be used for the heading
character and the last character. Moreover, "." cannot be used 2 pieces continuously. For details,
see RFC 2822.
The "domain name" can contain alphanumeric characters and "-" (hyphen) only. However, it must begin with
an alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character. For details, see RFC 1034.
The "Subject" can contain alphanumeric characters, blank spaces, and the following symbols:
! # " $ % & ' ( ) * + - . / _ ~
TABLE 1.124 Buttons in the [Alarm E-Mail] window
Sets the specified information.
Cancel Restores the original information and does not set the specified information, such as the
[Enable] or [Disable] setting in [Alarm E-Mail] or the e-mail address of the sender.
Filter Displays the [Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition] window for setting conditions for the events
for which alarm e-mail is sent.
Sends a test alarm e-mail to the specified destination.
(1) Menu Operation
[Network Configuration] - [Alarm E-Mail]
(2) Window Operations
1. Specify information such as the sender's e-mail address and whether to enable or disable Alarm E-Mail.
2. To set a filter for an event for which alarm e-mail is sent, click the [Filter] button.
The [Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition] window appears.
3. Specify the filter in the [Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition] window.
4. To send a test alarm e-mail, click the [Test E-Mail] button.
This sends a test alarm e-mail to the specified sender.
5. Click the [Apply] button.
This sets the items specified in the window.
The following table lists the messages displayed in this window.
Invalid E-Mail address format.
Invalid SMTP server address.
Alarm E-Mail is disabled.
For details on the messages displayed on the window, see PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Message Reference
[Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition] window
Clicking the [Filter] button in the [Alarm E-Mail] window displays the [Alarm E-Mail Filtering Condition]
window. The display item is different depending on the model.
You can set the filtering conditions for the events for which alarm e-mail is sent, in the [Alarm E-Mail Filtering
Condition] window.
Each item is evaluated with the AND condition.