MMB CLI (Command Line Interface) Operations
Are you sure you want to Reset? [Y/N]: Y
(4) Message
The following table lists the messages which are displayed in this CLI.
For details of the messages, see the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Message Reference (C122-E178EN).
Are you sure you want to Reset to system? [Y/N]:
The specified parameter is invalid.
Unable to Reset the system.
Command Failed. Code=0x%04X, 0x%02X
Unable to execute this command because the system is under maintenance.
Unable to Reset the System because you have not authority to operate this system.
System Configuration Failed.
2.6.5 nmi
Specify NMI interruption to the system.
When the entire system is not in Power On state, any kind of processing for such system is not done.
Privilege: Administrator, Operator, Partition Operator (Only the partition to be
(1) Input format
nmi {quiet}
(2) Option
quiet: The command is executed without interactive operation with the user.
(3) Usage example
Example: When NMI is directed by the Administrator authority.
Administrator > nmi
Are you sure you want to NMI? [Y/N]: Y
Administrator >
(4) Message
The following table lists the messages which are displayed in this CLI.
For details of the messages, see the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Message Reference (C122-E178EN).
Are you sure you want to NMI to System? [Y/N]:
The specified parameter is invalid.
Unable to NMI the system.
Command Failed. Code=0x%04X, 0x%02X
Unable to execute this command because the system is under maintenance.
Unable to NMI the System because you have not authority to operate this system.
System Configuration Failed.
2.6.6 set memory_opration_mode
It sets the Memory Operation Mode of the system.