14 GPSMAP 5000 Series Owner’s Manual
uSInG chartS
Fish Eye 3D Settings
To access additional settings or options for the Fish Eye 3D screen, touch MENU.
Sonar Cone
—turn a cone on or off that shows the area covered by your transducer.
Sonar Data
—visually show the sonar readings received by your transducer for the best combination
of sonar and mapping. The setting is either on or off.
Tracks—turn the track log on or off.
Overlay Numbers—show or hide cruising, navigation, or shing numbers just as on the navigation
chart (page 7).
Changing the Chart Settings
To change chart settings from the Home screen, touch Charts > Chart Setup, or touch Menu >
Chart Setup while viewing the navigation chart.
Orientation—change the perspective of the map display:
North Up
—sets the top of the map display to a north heading.
Track Up
—sets the map display to the current track heading.
Course Up
—sets the map so the direction of navigation is always up. The heading line
appears vertically on the screen if it is shown.
Heading line
Chart border
Heading Line—draws an extension from the bow of the boat in the direction of travel.
Off—turns off the heading line.
Distance—sets the distance to the end of the heading line.
Time—sets the amount of time until you reach the end of the heading line.
Chart Borders—turns on chart borders if you are using a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card and you
want to see what area the maps cover.
Tracks—turns the track log on or off (page 15).
Inset Map—turns the inset map on or off when panning (page 8).
Appearance—customizes the appearance of your navigation chart.
Detail—adjusts the amount of detail shown on the map.
Photos—sets the high resolution satellite images to on, off, land only, or blend (page 17).