
GPSMAP 5000 Series Owner’s Manual 47
uSInG radar
Radar Overlay Screen Options
To access additional settings or options for the radar overlay screen, touch Menu. There are two sets
of options you can access, radar or chart. The radar setup options are the same as the radar cruising
screen (page 44). Touch Adjust Chart > Chart Setup to access the chart options. The chart options
are the same as the navigation chart (page 6). Touch Radar Setup to access the radar setup options.
Changing Radar Settings
To change radar settings from the Home screen, touch Radar > Radar Setup, or touch Menu while
viewing the radar cruising screen or radar overlay screen and then touch Radar Setup.
Orientation—changes the perspective of the radar display:
Heading Up
—sets the radar display to the current track heading.
North Up
—sets the top of the radar display to a north heading.
Course Up
—sets the radar display so the direction of navigation is always up. The heading
line appears vertically on the screen if it is shown.
Heading Line
—shows or hides a line in the direction of travel.
Rings—shows or hides the radar range rings.
Look-Ahd Spd—
adjusts your location toward the bottom of the screen as your speed increases. The
speed entered is the speed at which the maximum position shift occurs, so enter your expected top
speed for best results.
Timed Xmit—sets and customizes a transmit/standby cycle. Dene the transmission time
(Xmit Time) and standby time (Stdby Time) in minutes.
Xtalk Reject (Crosstalk)—lters out interference caused by another radar operating in close
Advanced—opens a menu of advanced settings:
FTC (fast time constant)— controls unwanted screen clutter caused by rain at a distance. Set
to High, Medium, Low, or Off.
Front of Boat—sets the offset of the front of the boat if you mount the radar at an angle.
Antenna Size
(GMR 404/406 only)—selects the size of your antenna. Touch 4 Foot if you
have a GMR 404; touch 6 foot if you have a GMR 406.
Motor Speed
(GMR 404/406 only)—sets the motor speed of your GMR 404/406. Touch High
Speed to increase the speed at which the radar rotates, which also increases the speed at which
the screen updates.