1. Network Management Specification
96 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00
hdsl2ShdslnoNeighborPresent "No Neighbor Present status has changed for this Endpoint."
hdsl2ShdslLocalPowerLoss " Impending unit failure due to loss of local power condition has been detected."
apsEventSwitchover "Switchover status has changed."
apsEventModeMismatch "Mode status mismatch."
apsEventChannelMismatch "Channel status mismatch."
apsEventPSBF "A Protection Switch Byte Failure (PSBF) has occurred."
apsEventFEPLF "A Far-End Protection Line Failure (FEPLF) has occurred."
Enterprise Specific Traps:
mpeSelfTestFailure "SelfTest failed"
mpeCcn "Device Configuration changed."
devSonetStatusChange "Sonet status (Section, Line or Path) has changed."
pdnRedunEventNoActiveModule "No module is in the Active state."
pdnRedunEventHwIncompatible "Redundancy units have hardware incompatibilities."
pdnRedunEventStandbyAlarmOrReset "Redundancy unit entPhysicalIndex is in the Standby/Alarm state."
pdnRedunEventFwIncompatible "Redundancy units have firmware incompatibilities."
pdnRedunEventCfgIncompatible "Redundancy units have configuration incompatibilites."
ADSL Specific Traps:
adslAtucPerfLofsThreshTrap "(Central) Loss of Framing 15-min interval threshold reached."
adslAtucPerfLossThreshTrap "(Central) Loss of Signal 15-min interval threshold reached."
adslAtucPerfESsThreshTrap "(Central) Errored Second 15-min interval threshold reached."
adslAtucRateChangeTrap "(Central) The ATUCs transmit rate has changed".
adslAtucPerfLolsThreshTrap "(Central) Loss of Link 15-minute interval threshold reached."
adslAtucInitFailureTrap "ATUC initialization failed on ATM port."
adslAturPerfLofsThreshTrap "(Remote) Loss of Framing 15-minute interval threshold reached."
adslAturPerfLossThreshTrap "(Remote) Loss of Signal 15-minute interval threshold reached."
adslAturPerfLprsThreshTrap "(Remote) Loss of Power 15-minute interval threshold reached."
adslAturPerfESsThreshTrap "(Remote) Errored Second 15-minute interval threshold reached."
adslAturRateChangeTrap "(Remote) The ATURs transmit rate has changed."
adslAtucSesLThreshTrap (Central) SES-line 15-minute threshold reached on ATM port."
adslAtucUasLThreshTrap "(Central) UAS-line 15-minute threshold reached on ATM port."
adslAturSesLThreshTrap "(Remote) SES-line 15-minute threshold reached on ATM port."
adslAturUasLThreshTrap "(Remote) UAS-line 15-minute threshold reached on ATM port."
Table 1-98. devLastTrapString (3 of 4)
Trap devLastTrapString