1. Network Management Specification
88 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00 securityMgrTelnetAccess(RW):
This is used to specify the telnet access to the device. This object is tied with the
securityMgrSnmpAccess and securityMgrFtpAccess. That is, changing the TelnetAccess
will also change those two objects. securityMgrFtpAccess (RW):
This is used to specify the ftp access to the device. This object is tied with the
securityMgrTelnetAccess and securityMgrSnmpAccess. That is, changing the FtpAccess
will also change those two objects. securityMgrTrapAccess (RW):
This is used to specify the trap access to the device. By enabling trap access, the device will
automatically configure this Manager as a recipient of traps. This object is deprecated now. securityMgrRowStatus (RW):
This is used to create and remove entries to this table.