1. Network Management Specification
8000-A2-GB30-00 June 2003
7.8.2 Link Load Sharing (LLS) - (PDN-LINK-LOAD-SHARING-MIB.mib)
The object pdnLinkLoadSharingSelection is used to enable Load Sharing in the device. By
default Load Sharing is disabled. pdnLLSConfigGroupName.
This object contains a text describing a group configured for load sharing. pdnLLSConfigSelection.
This object allows managers to enable and disable the link load sharing on this group.The
default value for this object is disabled. pdnLLSMapGroupName.
This object is used in the pdnLLSMapEntry to map uplink interfaces and load sharing
groups. This Group Name corresponds to one of the groups defined in the
7.8.3 Enterprise link failure management-
The object pdnLinkFaultMgmtSwitchoverSelection is used to enable and disable the
Switchover due to link failure feature in this device. By default, switchover is disabled.
This feature can not be enabled if APS is enabled.
7.8.4 Entity redundancy - (PDN-ENTITY-REDUNDANCY-MIB.mib)
The object pdnEntityRedundancySelection is used to enable and disable the redundancy
feature. By default, this object is disabled.
Table 1-87. Link Load Sharing
Table Comments
pdnLLSConfigEntry Supported as is
pdnLLSMapEntry Supported as is
Table 1-88. pdnLinkFaultMgmtSwitchoverSelection
Table Comments
pdnLinkFailureConfigEntry Supported as is
Table 1-89. pdnEntityRedundancySelection
Table Comments
pdnRedunCmdEntry Supported as is
pdnRedunStatusEntry Supported as is