1. Network Management Specification
8000-A2-GB30-00 June 2003
The various objects supported are shown in the following table.
5.5.1 pdnDs1ExtConfLineLengthType (RW):
This entry specifies the type of loop length for the interface. The posibble values are
shortHaul(1), longHaul(2). short-haul is intended for intra-building use. long-haul is
intended for inter-building use. The default value is long-haul.
5.5.2 pdnDs1ExtConfLineLength (RW):
This entry specifies the loop length, in feet, for a short-haul DS1 line. This object only
applies to DS1 interfaces. Note: This object shares a mutually exclusive relationship with
the pdnDs1ExtConfLineBuildOut object. Only one of the two can be used for configuration
at a time, based on the pdnDs1ExtConfLineLengthType object. The default value is
5.5.3 pdnDs1ExtConfLineBuildOut (RW):
This entry specifies the line build out, in decibels, for a long-haul DS1 line. The possible
values are: dB0Pnt0(1), dB7Pnt5(2), dB15Pnt0(3), dB22Pnt5(4). The default value is
dB0Pnt0(1). This object only applies to DS1 interfaces.
5.5.4 pdnDs1ExtConfConnector (RW):
This entry specifies the type of connector to be used. This object only applies to G.703
interfaces. The possible values are: bnc(1), rj48(2). The default value is rj48(2).
Table 1-32. DS1-EXT MIB
Table Comments
pdnDs1ExtConfTable Supported objects: