1. Network Management Specification
40 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00
5.8 SHDSL MIB (RFC 3276)
5.9 Spectrum Management (pdn_spectrummgmt.mib)
This MIB is a common MIB supported for both ReachDSL and SHDSL ports.
5.9.1 newSpectrumMgmtGeneralConfigEntry
This table is indexed by the entPhysicalIndex and ifType of the ports contained in the entity
module (DSL port card). An entry in this table corresponds to the general spectrum
management configuration objects of a DSL port card. Such configuration parameters
control all DSL ports of a specific technology residents in that card. There will an entry for
each card whose ports types are either D_ifType_shdsl or D_ifType_reachDSL.
Table 1-36. SHDSL MIB
Table Comments
hdsl2ShdslSpanConfEntry Supported as is
hdsl2ShdslSpanStatusEntry Supported as is
hdsl2ShdslInventoryEntry Supported as is
hdsl2ShdslEndpointConfEntry Supported as is
hdsl2ShdslEndpointCurrEntry Supported as is
hdsl2Shdsl15MinIntervalEntry Supported as is
hdsl2Shdsl1DayIntervalEntry Supported as is
hdsl2ShdslEndpointMaintEntry Supported as is
hdsl2ShdslUnitMainEntry Supported as is
hdsl2ShdslSpanConfProfileEntry Supported as is
hdsl2ShdslEndpointAlarmConfProfileEntry Supported as is
Table 1-37. Spectrum Management
Table Comments
newSpectrumMgmtGeneralConfigEntry Supported as is
newSpectrumMgmtConfEntry Supported as is
newSpectrumMgmtLineInfoEntry Supported as is