1. Network Management Specification
32 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00
4.3 Interface Stack Group - (RFC 2863)
The interface stack group consists of an object containing information on the relationships
between the multiple sub-layers of network interfaces. In the GranDSLAM 3.0, the
interface stack group will be used to show the relationship between the multiple logical and
physical interfaces, if a physical interface exists.
The ifStackTable entries for the product is illustrated below, please refer to Table 1-6,
GranDSLAM 3.0 Interface List, for the exact number of interfaces of each class supported
in the current release:
* If the associated IMA interface is present
** If the associated SONET interface is present
4.3.1 “ifStackHigherLayer” Object (ifStackEntry 1)
This object provides the ifIndex corresponding to the higher sub-layer running on ‘top of’
the interface specified in ifStackLowerLayer.
*** If the associated ATM link is part of an IMA group
Table 1-25. ifStackTable
GranDSLAM 3.0
Higher Interface Number Mid-InterfaceNumber Lower Interface Number
AAL5_x IMA_x ATMUP_x *
IMA_x ATMUP_x T1/E1_x
Table 1-26. ifStackHigherLayer
GranDSLAM 3.0
Higher Interface Number
GranDSLAM 3.0
Lower Interface Number Comments
ccss10xx 0 DSL Ports
ccss20xx ccss10xx DSL Channels over DSL
ccss30xx ccss20xx DSL ATM over DSL Channels
ccss1802 0 Ethernet Ports
ccss190x 0 UPLINK Ports
ccss390x ccss190x ATM over UPLINK ports
ccss490x ccss390x IMA over ATM UpLinks***
ccss5901 ccss490x/ccss390x AAL5